We believe wellbeing should be at the heart of every organisation.

We believe that wellbeing should be at the heart of the people strategy for all organisations. We do our best work when we are healthy and feel supported. This does not happen automatically and requires organisations to act.

We offer resources and training for practical, low cost ways to make wellbeing part of everyday life in the workplace.

Who we are

Magool develops resources and training on healthy working practices and emotional wellbeing.

Staying true to our roots.

While reaching out to more people with our wellbeing training, supporting women and girls remains at the heart of our work.

A portion of the profits from our training and consultancy work with organisations will go to fund wellbeing support for grassroots activists working to end violence against women and girls and supporting those who have experienced violence.

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How we can help you

We put wellbeing at the heart of every workplace by helping individuals and organisations develop healthy working practices to improve performance, build resilience and promote wellbeing.

Individual Workshops

Training for Organisations